This article is a part of my book “The Nazi UFOs Where Are They Now?”In the early March of 1937, a spherical flying saucer with a diameter of 11.5 feet (3.5 meters) landed in Munich Suburb in Southern Germany with three Aliens members who requested contact with the Country’s Officials.
The image below shows one of them between two volksturm or civilian police. They were named later “Areans” The documents and footage about these aliens and their flying saucers were either destroyed by allies bombs or taken by them as we can see these photos today.
In this image, two civilian police took the alien on a tour in the city’s streets . Ordinary people could see him without problem it was not a secret like it became later like in our days.
The spherical flying
saucers or UFOs with this little diameter and little aliens on board were and
are being seen worldwide day and night, especially in Mexico as they have
hyperactive there. They draw in the sky different forms aiming to send messages
to humans. Unfortunately, the draws made by them are until today inexplicable.
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