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Showing posts from October 15, 2021

Baphomet and Single eye of Anti-Christ!!!

                                    Many famous peoples like Actors, Actress, Singers, Models, Program presenters, etc; appears in so many magazines with photos hiding an eye exposed in different positions. We found also many clips, many movies posters that have the same expositions with a single eye.  People, in general, don't remark this, and even if they remark they thought that's an artistic job to attracting the fans, but unfortunately this is not the truth. The truth is that the zionists or illuminatis or free masons has a main target which is : eliminating the though or faith or believe in existence of God(Allah) which is the same god for the three prophets : Moise,Jesus(Issa) and Muhammad;which is the same god for : Judaism,Christianity and Islam; then make teenagers believing in new God : Baph...