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Showing posts from September 12, 2012

Flying Girl in Russia!!!

           Russian girl with age of five to six years old fly in three meters in the sky,she don't cry or she don't be afraid or torrified,his sister or mother watch her normally,then the two runs away from the dog and the person who recorded theirs attitude. The girl watchs normally,watch her head ,she look to something in front of her with her sighting;it's an angel or Jins or invisible extraterrestrial.  

Invisible American Soldier in Irak and proofs of invisibily Technology!!!

   A video tape taken by irakies,shows an american soldier use the "invisibility technology" without the  known of his colleagues,in the contary he make an effort to cover him self.This, reinforce the theory that the  american army with help of CIA pilots a secret projects without the knowledge of even the american  government and congress not just the american people.The suprem target is as always "the perfect soldier"  and the leading of the american technology over the other countries. The technology of invisibility based on  the material or matter development which is a part of the technologies that the extraterrestrials gave to the  humans through the americans under agreements concluded by the two parts for longs decades without the  knowledge of course of the human race.So many extraterrestrials use the invisibility in their displacement in  earth on the different towns and countries without the observat...

Secret Aliens Weapon...Huge Energy !!!

This video tape shows a policeman who was a victim for a secret weapon from an alien race  or a secret american weapon or a secret weapon invented from a particular or private person without the knowledge of peoples especially the intelligence agencies like the CIA,FBI,MI6 and MI5.If you see carefully,the car is turned off when the huge volume of energy  immerged and burned the policeman.The car in the end of the tape give an impression that's begin to fly!!! That's give an idea that there's some chosen peoples who are in  the service of zionists(illuminatis and free masons) and tey are ready to apply all theirs strategies to atteinds their goal : governing the world by power of science until they destroy them selfs and the world. affiliate marketing