Surely,all the peoples around the world knows that we are now in the phase or era of end times that's be mentioned in the three books : Tawrat,Evangile and Quran.But,the majority also don't know the nearly scenarios to the actuality or to the truth.I'll show you a series of short videos from the scientist : Imran Hosein whose specialist in this field and whose predicted the arabic spring,Irak occupation and other events,who predict also that Israel will put United states of America in nuclear war that's destroy her and all the monetary system.We are now in the phase of : Before : start of war series whose followed by nuclear war between USA ,EUROPE,INDIA and ISRAEL in one side and RUSSIA,CHINA,PAKISTAN and IRAN in other side.I ask ALLAH to protect us all from those satans. In reality, i have with him same predictions like the nuclear war, new gold pieces system that will be used by gretaer Israel after her risi...
A blog about everything occurs in this world from the normal to the unconventional to the strange,from the politics to the environment to the aliens,etc.