The zionist project that used all the possible and impossible means and ways from threat to killing, from the use of women sharm,nudity and pornography to use of the money ,from the control of gold,energy sources : petrole,gas on earth and helium three in the moon,jewels,industries,technologies,press,medias,transportation and especially the politic;it's clear now for all the peoples around the world that there's no one politician in Europe and USA who don't declare in his election campaign that he is engaged to the protection of Israel and her unconditioned help,if he don't do this he will never be supported by zionist lobbies who owns "THE MONEY" and money make everythings. This project whose begun from thousands of years after the dispersion of Beni Israel(Sons of Israel) in different lands on earth,had a complementation in our modern history w...
A blog about everything occurs in this world from the normal to the unconventional to the strange,from the politics to the environment to the aliens,etc.