NASA,an abreviation for National Aeronautic and Space Administration,she was named NACA.She was and still for so many peoples around the world a credible source of sciences informations on it's different fields, and the leader who takes the humanity towards the progress and the future.This is the appearant face and this also contains some realities. The other reality has began with the annoncement of ancient president of united states;J.F.Kennedy in the sixteenth from the twentieth century in cold war period,when he said that the united states will send a man to the moon before the end of the decade.So NASA,under this presssure worked day and night,24 hours per day,seven days per week to arrive to this target.What if they didin't arrive?It will be a scandal in front of the world,the allies,and specifically in front of USSR whose sent earlier man into orbit.So,N...
A blog about everything occurs in this world from the normal to the unconventional to the strange,from the politics to the environment to the aliens,etc.