The timing of the show of the anti prophet Mohammad movie, peace be upon him,is not innocent,the time coming with 9/11/2001 INCIDENTS.For years now, after those incidents,the searchers of the truth around the world make a great efforts to know the truth about this catastrophy and they arrives to it and discovered that the CIA with knowledge of Bush family and his government are behind it and not a 19 terrorists as they pretended for years. Of course it's one of steps toward the zionist project,they occupy Afghanistan and Irak for the control of the international economy through the control of oil and gas.Another step that's unfortunately begun to be applied, is the control of the liberties through the politic of fear,in media they shows the terrorist attacks as they are always on the head of American peoples,so they are ready uncounsciously to give some of their rights or liberties laws to gains more security and mo...
A blog about everything occurs in this world from the normal to the unconventional to the strange,from the politics to the environment to the aliens,etc.