After fourteen years of the 9/11/2001 criminal incidents, the world and families of victims stay waiting for a clear explanation from the United States of America successive governments, but without results, every year we said : we never forget. Mainstream media did the same thing without any intention to investigate the truth behind those incidents and who are the real criminals, despite the evidences, year after year and day after day become more and more credible about the hidden criminals who are living their lives without any fear to be judged.
Independent international specialized scientists, more than 2000 confirmed that it's impossible that after the hitting of the plane the WTC twins tower can collapse and furthermore collapse as controlled demolition, besides this, Building number 7 which was destroyed in the evening of the same day collapsed like a controlled demolition perhaps it's never been touched by any obstacle!
I'll not be talking about the hologram of the plane which was a guided missile covered by a plane hologram hitting the south tower.
The scientific study contains 25 pages in PDF format, if you want it just e-mail me to my address on the contact page. I show just the last page containing the conclusion of the study which declare clearly that thermite is coming from an explosive material:
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