All the muslims around the world did and do this festivity every year in the tenth of the lunar month : Dhou Alhajja every Hejry year and we are in 1436 after Hejra of prophet Muhammad Peace and blessings be upon him, from Mecca to Almadina.
This Rooya is considered as an order from Allah or God.Prophet Ibrahim saw that he must slaying his son Ismail peace be upon them two, he inform this last about this order from God, Ismail said to him to do what Allah ordered him to do.
In a specified time a sheep descended from heaven and Allah request from his prophet Ibrahim peace be upon him to slay this sheep instead of slaying his son Ismail and inform him also that both he and his son satisfying him and they prooved that they are a good surrenders to him.
After the coming of Islam, Allah gave the muslims two festivities,one after month of Ramadan after fasting and the second is the sacrifice one dedicated to Prophet Ibrahim and his son Ismail.
Many peoples around the world ignore the reality of this sacrifice which is a noble one to the father of prophets : Ibrahim or Abraham.
Ibrahim and his son Ismail are the first builders of "Alkaaba" in Mecca before the coming of Islam to arabia for thousands years.Today there's the foot print of prophet Ibrahim persists in the front of "Alkaaba",in a high small rock, he used her to see the high and parallelism of the kaaba walls when he built her with his son Ismail.
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