TABARYA Lake ,known today as Galileo sea, it's localized in the occupied area : Highers of Golan,between israel and syria.
TABARYA Lake has a remarquable place in islam through the Sunnah(All what prophet Muhammad did and said in his daily life),as a station for the signs of end times.In the sunnah,the lake of TABARYA,will loose all his water,at that time a creature or creation known in arabic language : DABBAH,it's a kind of animal,who will appears and talk to the humans and peoples that the hour of judgement is so near and the peoples was desobyants to the orders of Allah and they didn't believed in his prophets and messengers.
The form of DABBAH is not determined exactly,because with my modest knowledge,the Prophet Muhammad ,peace and blessings be upon him,talk about her generally and i'm sure that this creature is mentioned in Tawrat and Evangile,because the three books are from one issue or origin,is Allah.She has four legs,but the other forms i don't know yet or i don't know simply.So i invite you to give your informations throught the comments area,if you have much knowledge about this subject.
Galileo sea or Tabarya lake begun to loose some water levels from many years,and this is clear and not discutable,especially when who declared this, are from the israelites them selfs .Perhaps this,the Galileo sea still working and can assimulate the weight of ships .Watch those videos and give your opinion :
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