The zionist project that used all the possible and impossible means and ways from threat to killing, from the use of women sharm,nudity and pornography to use of the money ,from the control of gold,energy sources : petrole,gas on earth and helium three in the moon,jewels,industries,technologies,press,medias,transportation and especially the politic;it's clear now for all the peoples around the world that there's no one politician in Europe and USA who don't declare in his election campaign that he is engaged to the protection of Israel and her unconditioned help,if he don't do this he will never be supported by zionist lobbies who owns "THE MONEY" and money make everythings.
This project whose begun from thousands of years after the dispersion of Beni Israel(Sons of Israel) in different lands on earth,had a complementation in our modern history which was in 1897 in Basel,Switzerland and the members of this meeting who were in reality ,in my point of view,genius and very strong strategic thinkers and planners,unfortunately,they didn't use this intelligence in the favor of humanity that they enslaved,those members putted a plan for the foundation of israel to born in 1949,and they lead off this target in 1948!!!They are really strongs.
Now,the irony appears in that some of those members predicted that the fall of "Great Israel" will be in
With my knowledge and through my researches,greater israel will be founded in 2017,so just 5 years to
govern the world!!!If we return to the sunnah(all what prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be
upon him and all the prophets,did and said in his daily life),we found that one hadith speaks about the govrning will be one day as seven days as 30 years",as here means "like",it means the feeling of duration of governing.In quran, Allah speak about Beni Israel that they will be in high power on earth,this is what we see now and i think when they'll make their land.But all this for what?All the killings,the recurrenced conspiracies throught history in different peoples and countries,the environment destruction,all this for what??? For a bordered country leads the world!!!They think they will go to the paradise after this???!!!
Lovely readers,this is not an imaginative story like Alice in Wonderland,this is a reality,unfortunately!!!
That's not means that we still negatives ,no,we enjoy our life and we do the best ...And that not means that will be the end of the world,NO,it's just a "Temporary Situation",because it will become "AlMahdy Almontadhar" who will fight "Almassikh Addajal"(the liar or not true jesus) that will appears firstly after the rise of great israel,of course the israelites will loves and believe him,Almahdy will kill him then he with the prophet Issa(real jesus),peace and blessings be upon him,they will go towards great israel and kill every single israelite,believe it or not,every stone,every tree,every thing,will have a voice from Allah and will say to any muslim who will fight there"Come here there's a jewish(zionist),behind me,kill him".That's what we have as informations in our sunnah(all that prophet Muhammad SAS said and did in his daily life).
All this will be by my analysis after a nuclear war which i mentioned in another article,will be a result of two scenarios : one of them is syrian situation ,now,which will be a normal war between USA and Europe in a side and Russia,Iran,China and India in the other side,then developped to nuclear war;the second scenarios is the use of nuclear weapons against an invasion from the Orion empire.I think that even the zionists,they don't know really when the Orion empire will attack,so they prepare the underground bases for this scenarios(see article on this link
Sorry i don't want to appears as pessimist,but this what i see and i hope from the bottom of my heart that it's untrue.
This photos is with Hebrew Language for Great or Greater Israel Project :
Those photos shows The greater Israel project with different included countries :
This Last one is a PUZZLE FOR KIDS,you can now,imagine their real purpose and believe :
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