Prophet Mohammad and Islam
By Mohamed AlMouldi ASHARIF
The prophet Muhammad,peace and blessings be upon him,is not just a prophet but he is also a
"Messenger".The difference between a Prophet and Messenger,is that the prophet has orders from Allah or
God to inform one people,the Messenger has a total method of life beside the orders,method of daily life
which includes all the details even the intimide relation between husband and wife,beside this he is a
messenger not for one or two peoples(Kawm),he is coming for all the creations and creatures: human
race,Jins race and Extraterrestrial races(Alalameen).When he talk about the other prophets,he said :my
brother Moise(Moussa : Judaism),my brother Jesus(Issa,Yassou3 : christianism),peace be upon them all.
All the prophets through history which their number is over the 124 000 prophets are mulisms, from our
father Adam,Noah,Abraham,David,Solomon,they are not jews or christians,those two vocabularies are
invented from the zionists and others with the time.Muslim in arabic means slave of Allah,all the prophets are
slaves of Allah without exception,but he gave and give forever for them a" High level" in comparison of
others and all of them lives in paradise.But the highly rank is for Mohammad peace be upon him,why?
Because Allah wants this,no one can ask Allah why,he ask us for what we do but we don't have the right to
ask him ,for a simple cause: he creats us from nothing,he give us soul from nothing,he give us life from
nothing,so the relation is vertical and not horizontal,we don't talk here about a creation,we talk about a
creator that anyone can't imagine it with his thinkings,the only way to see him and know his form,is in
paradise(Aljannah), Inshaallah,the peoples of paradise,every friday,they go to a merchand(Souk) and Allah
make them see it's face,then they'll return to their families and women more and more beautifuls,this is a
scrrenshot from the life in Aljannah,i ask Allah that you and me will ones of them.
All the prophets are brothers,there's not a competition between them,each one complete the one whose
come before him,and the only whose complete the messages of all the prophets from Adam to Jesus(Issa) is
the prophet Mohammed peace be upon him and all the prophets,he is the last messenger on earth and
universe and there's never and ever a prophet whose coming after him.The meaning of coming of all the
prophecies is the "high rank Angel" : Gabriel(Jibril).The angels are slaves of Allah they created from light,they
don't eat,don't drink,they don't sleep,they work 24 hour per day,Allah creat them like this,they love us ,they
pry to Allah to forgive us in every single second,this is the truth and not an imaginative story,this is what islam
told us through Quran and Sunnah(every thing that messenegr Mohammad SAS,talk about it or do it).
Now after the coming of islam,should anyone be a muslim?Yes,you should know that the real jews,whose
believed in their time 11000 to 12000 years ago of the prophecy of Moise peace be upon him and did what
he requested and they believed in Tawrat which talking about the coming of prophet Jesus and
Mohammad.The real christians whose believe in prophecy of Jesus and before him all the prophecies,whose
belives in Evangile and the coming of prophet Mohammad.After the coming of Islam all the humans and Jins
and extraterrestrials should believe in prophecy of Mohammad SAS and should be muslims not for the favor
of muslims but to be ones of the believers of the god of this universe is Allah,he has no son and wife or father
or mother.Don't judge the islam through the situation of muslims today,the muslims of today are victims of
centuries of misunderstood of the reality of islam,when they were in the right understood they govern the
world for eight centuries and they gave civilization,justice,science and mercifull to the humanity,there's no any
civilization whose governs the world with those qualities,the modern civilization is based on the rest of human
muslim civilizatin and which has an age of five centuries.The muslims loves all the prophets without exception
and respect them,one later thing that you should know : that the crossed man is not Jesus(ISSA) peace be
upon him,he is one who looks like him who was not lucky one because he was totured up to death by Beni
Israel(sons of israel Kawm),the true messiah or Issa or jesuus he is alive and he took by Allah physically and
soul,he will return after the appearnce of Messiah DAJJAL(the unbeliever Messiah) who will pretend to be
the real jesus and after the appearance of the Almahdy almontadhar(One of descendants of prophet
Mohammad),all this will be done in the end times and we are now in the end of times whose deeply related
and dependable of zionist project and great israel.
some links about islam and prophet Mohammad SAS and please circulate it to your friends:
09/11/2001 Incidents
By Mohamed AlMouldi ASHARIF
As i mentioned before that the 9/11/2001 incidents made by the differents intelligent agencies in united states
like CIA,FBI ,NSA,etc and with the knowledge of the Bush family, especially the Bush the son with his crew
composed by Donald Ramsfeld whose dismissed obligatory because he feared to be judged,Dick
Cheney,Jhon Ashcroft,etc.Of course the incidents engineered by the zionists,they mentioned this in their 24
zionist protocols which firstly appeared in 1905 in Russia,they make a president of
the great power like a
dominos in their hands and do what they want to do throught his governance ,his photos and his country
which take all the blame without their appearance as criminals behind the greatest dirty incidents in history in
front of the world.The united states of America take all the blame and appears like the great satan.If we take
a look to the curriculum vitae of Walker Bush, we found that he is just a looser : all the companies that he
bossed on them ,thanks to the relations of his father,the dad Bush,all of them are collapsed,he was drugged
up the age of fourty,simply this is not a cv for a presidency of the great power of the world.Beside all this
,he wasn't elected ,he just putted by the zionists and we know all the election problem that passes in front of
ALGORE,the zionists knowed that ALGORE can't be eligible for their plans so they created this problem
and it's prooved that the machines used to the statistics are not calibrated and can't give a credible results.
Here,i want mention that Bush the son is not patriot,because he gave the permission to kill american citizens
in the contrary of J.F Kennedy who refused to invade Cuba in cold war by killing more than one thounsand
american.Here also i want to thank the two external ministers :Collin Powel and Robin Cook,because the
dismissed when they saw that war against Irak is a lie.Those two peoples are honest ones.
The same thing will be done for the president OBAMA,they try throught the killing of Lybian
ambassador,iranian conflict,embassy problems in Tunisia,Egypt and other countries,they try to make Obama
loose in the November elections,because if Obama govern to 2016,this will be against their target to the
found of "Great Israel" in 2017.Obama is an equilibrum man he know what he do and he want the world
peace.If they fail in this plan,they will try to kill the president OBAMA,this kill will not be necessary directly,
it will be throught plane accident for example,so i warn president Obama to take great attention to this
subject and all who loves him and works with him.
Of course the international media that's owned by the zionists anq their servants didn't cover the talk about
the truth of 9/11/2001 incidents .So the only way to show the reality is the internet.
LOOSE CHANGE is the documentary who was the pioneer to show this reality.Thanks to the producers
and to all the honest peoples around the world who seek to the truth.So i invite you to watch it
and to all the honest peoples around the world who seek to the truth.So i invite you to watch it
and judge by your self and circulate it :
LOOSE CHANGE firts edition:
LOOSE CHANGE second edition :
LOOSE CHANGE final cut :
Watch also those two videos concerning the ROCKFELLER family which are principal base of the
Watch also those two videos concerning the ROCKFELLER family which are principal base of the
Relation Between Holography and Extraterrestrials
Sept 22,2012
By Mohamed Almouldi ASHARIF
Holography,a new technology appeared after the projection of the movie "Avatar".It's used in differents
shows,like the fashion and others.It's knowed in majority by 3D and 5D.Principally needs a support for the
projection,this support maybe material or not material which is the atmosphere with it's atomic composition
as the real support.Holography is like the other technologic development : the nanoelectronic,laser,material
evolution,plastics,carbon fibres,etc.Those evolutions are not properly humans,they are from the greys
extraterrestrials which president Einsenhower made with them an agreement from 1954 after a meeting in
military base in Florida.This meeting gave the greys or humanoids as the american militaries named,give them
a second country,the earth,with a price of giving us their technologies(i detailed this in my book UFOs).
Holography is a meaning that used and still by differents extraterrestrial races to show us only single
message:"Humans you are not alone in this universe";that's the message,they come sometimes with their
vessels and other times they use this technology.Holography is also used in same planets to educate their
childs without displacement from their homes.This technology and others are submited from the americans
intelligencies and governments to differents friend countries like canada,United Kingdom,Soviet Union and
different privates companies like : Apple,IBM,Northrop,Boing,Lookheed Martin,etc,and Hollywood
productors like the famous productor of Star wars,George Lucas and few others.
There's a theory talking about"the blue line or blue ray project" which one of zionist projects,blue color
choose to the color of two lines in israely flag;this theory said that the israelites will use the holography
technology to make the world thinking that the extraterrestrials will make an attack o earth then,they will
govern us.I said this is maybe true but this don't deny the existence of extraterrestrials.
Those videos presents some holographic shows :
This is a video showing a real holographic message from our friends in "Galactic Confederation",putted in an shows,like the fashion and others.It's knowed in majority by 3D and 5D.Principally needs a support for the
projection,this support maybe material or not material which is the atmosphere with it's atomic composition
as the real support.Holography is like the other technologic development : the nanoelectronic,laser,material
evolution,plastics,carbon fibres,etc.Those evolutions are not properly humans,they are from the greys
extraterrestrials which president Einsenhower made with them an agreement from 1954 after a meeting in
military base in Florida.This meeting gave the greys or humanoids as the american militaries named,give them
a second country,the earth,with a price of giving us their technologies(i detailed this in my book UFOs).
Holography is a meaning that used and still by differents extraterrestrial races to show us only single
message:"Humans you are not alone in this universe";that's the message,they come sometimes with their
vessels and other times they use this technology.Holography is also used in same planets to educate their
childs without displacement from their homes.This technology and others are submited from the americans
intelligencies and governments to differents friend countries like canada,United Kingdom,Soviet Union and
different privates companies like : Apple,IBM,Northrop,Boing,Lookheed Martin,etc,and Hollywood
productors like the famous productor of Star wars,George Lucas and few others.
There's a theory talking about"the blue line or blue ray project" which one of zionist projects,blue color
choose to the color of two lines in israely flag;this theory said that the israelites will use the holography
technology to make the world thinking that the extraterrestrials will make an attack o earth then,they will
govern us.I said this is maybe true but this don't deny the existence of extraterrestrials.
Those videos presents some holographic shows :
advertisement about the power of internet on BBC channel :
Amazing GoldPostal Publicity
Sept 21, 2012
By Mohamed AlMouldi ASHARIF
The famous "GoldPostal" publicity,that's circulates around the world with differents languages from three to
five years ago and will still for future years,makes a positives reactions from interested peoples,especially
with the motivations included in the package of this campaign like the free special pokets or paper containers
for free transportation of the gold beside free insurance.First Analysis make us think that the peoples behind
this project are gold merchants that wants to control more and more the international gold merchands ,but,in
reality,the peoples behind this are governing the world merchands of gold and jewels from many decades,the
zionists,so why they do this?The answear is clear and easy to know : they collects the gold and make it in
standards blocks and conserve it in special chamber in the secret underground basis and not in any bank
around the world.Why?After the nuclear war as i mentioned before in other article and in my book
UFOs,there's will not an international money system or capitalism, the paper moneys will be without value,so
it will be new monetary ystem which is in deed old-new system,the system which dated from older centuries
based on the gold peices.So it's another step for the preparation of the great israel.Look at some videos
from differents countries and there's some funny ones :
Secret Underground Bases
Sept 18
By Mohamed CHERIF
The video tape shows secret photos for secret underground American bases.In modern history the
underground bases or locations begun with germany in period between the world war one and world war
two,when the nazis crews tests their rockets or the rund flugzeug(the round vessels).During the world war
two and cold war, the soviet union and the united states constructed their own locations and basis for
protection causes in case of nuclear attacks.Today those two forces and others in reality,continues to
ameliorates the differents sides on the basis like the huge water reservoirs,the food,the transportation
systems.Some private companies in the united states,constructs underground homes for families with a price
of 45 000 USD and others prepares food containers.Surely the trillions of dollars expensed for decades in
the constructions of thoses facilities with deeps up to 1 km,without knowledge of taxes payers,are not
without reasonnable cause,this cause,with my modest opinion is the use of the nuclear weapons in two cases:
the first one is the development of the syrian situation year after year to a war between east and west to
arrive to a nuclear war;the second cause is the colonization of the orion empire of earth,in this case the
humans will be obliged to use the nuclear weapon,this use of the nuclears has double goals or targets, the
second is minimize the number of peoples in the earth by the Elites or the Illuminatis which they proceeded
to different ways like the viruses : pork,cow,etc;accidents: bus,planes,tsunamy,etc.The zionists engineered all
this and more,they are genius but they forget always that they are satan slaves and ignores the existence of
Allah or God,who said in Quran that they will do all this but not forever.
Benjamin Netinyahoo a zionist leader
Sept 15
By Mohamed CHERIF
This videotape shows the israely prime minister ina meeting with some israely great leaders,in his right the
great HAKHAM(Religion leader),he talk about their greatest project is the world governing and they are in
the right way to deserve it.The video translated to the arabic,you can be rassured from another independant
translator from Hebrew to english.
He said:
-Today we are all agrre that our Target is the same.
-We will colonize this land step after step and will not find a land to live in ,they should go...i'll be
relaxed,all of us...And then we still continue in our project and this earth will for us all...All the
earth...Our greatest project we still working in anywere the price
Sept 15
By Mohamed CHERIF
This videotape shows the israely prime minister ina meeting with some israely great leaders,in his right the
great HAKHAM(Religion leader),he talk about their greatest project is the world governing and they are in
the right way to deserve it.The video translated to the arabic,you can be rassured from another independant
translator from Hebrew to english.
He said:
-Today we are all agrre that our Target is the same.
-We will colonize this land step after step and will not find a land to live in ,they should go...i'll be
relaxed,all of us...And then we still continue in our project and this earth will for us all...All the
earth...Our greatest project we still working in anywere the price
Sept 14
By Mohamed CHERIF
The timing of the show of the anti prophet Mohammad,peace be upon him,is not innocent,the time coming
with 9/11/2001 INCIDENTS.For years now, after those incidents,the searchers of the truth around the
world make a great efforts to know the truth about this catastrophy and they arrives to it and discovered that
the CIA with knowledge of Bush family and his government are behind it and not a 19 terrorists as they
pretended for years.Of course it's one of steps toward the zionist project,they occupy Afghanistan and Irak
for the control of the international economy through the control of oil and gas.Another step that's
unfortunately begun to apply is the control of the liberties through the politic of fear,in media they shows the
the terrorist attacks as they are always on the head of American peoples,so they are ready uncounsciously
to give some of their rights or liberties laws to gains more security and more safe.The last thing that the zionist
make is the RFID ship injected in hand of any person,with this ships you are under control in any place in the
world,your position,your health state,your thinkings,etc,they can manipulate you with this microhips.Of
course they said to you that's help you to know the situation at any time of your father or mother or
childs,they play on the felings of sadness,fear,safe,joy,etc.They begun now with american passeports they
know it's not easy so they'll try to make it a law after the acceptance of congress on it.Unfortunately a
mexican minister accepted to be injected and 100 of his ministry.
LOOSE CHANGE,i advice you to see this documentary,and surely you'll know the sad truth,you'll discover
that the satan slaves are ready to sacrify american citizens and millions of peoples around the world for their
The Zionists, choose this time to show their movie,they know the reaction of muslims,their hidden target is to
deconcentrate the world about the truth of 9/11/2001 incident,especially after the international meeting in the
same date in 2011 in VANCOUVER,CANADA with the participation of more than 100 experts from the
world ,to know the truth that inculps the CIA .
The death of american ambassador is not innocent ,no one said that 's he's responsible of the killing of this
innocent man and three others,surely if they are against USA,they don't fear and they said that they are
responsibles of killing,but i think without exageration that the CIA is behind this crime just to serve the cause
of misinformation about the 9/11/2001 and recurrent the sighting of the world about the islam as a religion of
Watch those videos and give me your opinion :

Facebook,a success tool for the zionist project
Sept 14,2012
By Mohamed CHERIF
I present for you a video talking about an advanced step of zionist project,the Facebook.The facebook is a
meaning of great dissipation of the informations through societies and with the picture,we are of course in the
time of media and the photos is more influent than any longs papers,because the peoples don't have yet the
patience to take time to read,this is due to long time manipulation to make peoples on earth just a "receivers "
and consumers.The"arabic spring" is not in reality due to the manipulation of the zionists,no,the zionists
knows that the peoples through history under a dictatorship,pass by three eras: the first is the fear ,then the
angry and finally the bomb.And that's was lied to the arabic world,colonization from the colonization forces
France and Great britain empires,then gonerned by thyraned governors for decades.So it's naturally the
result that we have today and that's the same case for peoples around the world like georgia,argentina,south
africa etc.The Facebook facilitate the dispersion of the video informations to arrive to this goal.
the specifity of each one,for example in Egypt between muslims and christians or sunnits and salafist,in
Irak,lebanon,Bahrain,Saudi arabia,Syria between sunnits and chiits,in Algeria amazight and arabics,Tunisia
Salafists and anti-salafists.The most interesting countries for the zionist project are : Egypt,Irak and
Syria(Bilad Asham) and part of arabia island,they are a part of the future great israel land with borders from
Egypt to Irak,that's explain the two parallel blue bars in Israely Flag which presents the Nile and Foorat
rivers,between them the David(Daoud prophet peace be upon him) Star.
The video shows the pass from small israel to great israel that will formed in 2017.That's bring me to say that
the coming of extraterrestrials to colonize the earth will be not in the end of 2012 but will be between 2012
and 2017,when the extraterestrials especially the grays and reptilians with their huge motherships request
with power that the earthians be a part of the orion empire,the zionists will leave them for some time six
months to a year do what they want in humans,until they appears and said we have the solution but leave us
make our land great israel govern the world.We should know that the zionits have a relations with the
reptilians and greys from 11000 years,after the death of prophet Moise(Moussa) peace be upon him ,so they
can make an agreement with them.Our friends from the"Galactic Confederation" will help us by entering in
direct war with the Orion Empire,this war will be of course in space and not in earth atmosphere.Honestly,up
now i can't imagine the scenarios,but i think the great israel will govern the world for one day in length time as
seven days as length time a thirtee years,that's what is mentioned from our prophet Mohammad SAS,peace
be upon him in the mouth of muslim scientists(OULAMAA),ALLAH only knows what will really be,in reality
there's not, for us, as humans a confirmed scenarios or story.
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