Throught history,so many sociologists, philosophers talked lots about the psychology structure of the human race,but there's not so much informations and analysis like it is in the twenty century. The concept of human development is based upon living of the life with happiness and success, to arrive to those two elements,everyone should be emotionally balanced and to arrive to the balance, he should use the meditation.Lafayette Ron HUBBARD(1911-1986),was the pioneer of this concept with his differents writings like : Honesty and Integrity,Assists for illnesses and injuries,Learning how to learn,The way to Happiness,etc.His knowledges were used by the FBI and CIA in their programs of mind and masses control besides the works of other psychoanalyzers like Sigmund Freud(1856-1939). After the world war two,ano...
A blog about everything occurs in this world from the normal to the unconventional to the strange,from the politics to the environment to the aliens,etc.